Terms and Conditions of Service
A Fee Waiver option is available for clients if family income is 150% of poverty guidelines
*Butterfly does not pay or receive money for referrals.
Attorney Code
Law offices will be issued a unique Attorney Code upon signing up with Butterfly. If the Law Office supplies the Attorney code for a client's session, the law office is agreeing to collect the fee of $25 for a Credit Counseling Session (individual or couple) and $12 fee for the Financial Education Course (for an individual or couple).
The client is asked to register with Butterfly and then is asked how they are paying for the course. At this point the client can pay with credit/debit card or they can supply the Attorney code. Attorneys are only billed when the Attorney Code is input. Law office staff should only give Attorney Code to clients after collecting the credit counseling or financial education fees.
Law offices that would like to explore different options please call us to discuss your office needs. Programming options are available.
Certificates of Completion
Clients who would like a certificate of completion must participate and complete a Credit Counseling or Financial Education Course, certificates will be emailed and stored in Butterfly's system as soon as the client has completed the session. Date and time of completion will be on the certificate. Dates and times of completion cannot be altered. Attorney's with access to system can log in and find the client's certificate at any time after completion.
Attorneys can choose a preferred method of billing: Automatic credit card payment, check, PayPal or client's money orders. Butterfly will accept checks from Law offices or you can choose to collect money orders from clients and then mail them to Butterfly when the session is completed. Please do not collect personal checks from clients. We will send you a bi-weekly invoice (monthly if paying by check) with a list of clients that completed a session the week before.
By placing "Attorney Code" in system you are agreeing to collect fees from clients and will forward the aforementioned fees on a bi-weekly basis (monthly if paying by check).
User Name and Passwords
Attorneys will create a user name and password for the Butterfly system. Protect your user name and password; this is not for the client's use. When you have access to our system you will have access to all of your client's Certificates of Completions and your invoices.
Legal Requirements
With regard to the requirements concerning Credit Counseling Certifications or Financial Education Certifications, users agree to abide by all laws, rules and regulations, as set forth in the United States Bankruptcy Code or by the Bankruptcy Administrators Office.
Termination of Service
Butterfly has the right to terminate an Attorney's "Attorney Code", if said Attorney's office fails to abide by any of the Terms and Conditions of Service set forth in this agreement.