Information Relevant to the Credit Counseling Session
This session is required only if the consumer is planning on seeking a certification in North Carolina or Alabama pursuant to and in compliance with Section 109(h) of the US Bankruptcy code.
Certificate of Completion
You must complete the course in its entirety to receive a certificate of completion. Once you have completed the course, the system (or Butterfly representative) will confirm that you are complete. A certificate of completion will be generated with the time and date of completion and be sent to you. If you provided an email address for your attorney or an attorney code the certificate will also be sent to your attorney and be available through our system if your attorney has a code.
A Credit Counseling session is needed within 180 days of filing for Bankruptcy. Your certificate will be time stamped for the time and date you have completed the credit counseling session by Internet or phone. If you email a submission form your session will be complete at the time and date that the results are emailed to you.
Privacy Policy
Information collected by Butterfly Financial Education, Inc. is treated as confidential. No personally identifiable information will be released to any outside person or to any company unless required by law or expressly authorized by you or your attorney. Butterfly will never share information with any creditor, collection agent, or credit reporting agency. Butterfly reserves the right to collect non identifiable statistical information. Butterfly will not sell, rent, loan, lease or trade any information obtained from a consumer or their attorney. Butterfly may share information regarding your account with the Bankruptcy Administrators and your appointed attorney upon request.
Credit Reporting Agencies
Butterfly does not report any activity to credit reporting agencies, therefore the participation in Butterfly's credit counseling session or financial education course will not impact your credit report.
Legal Advice
The counseling session and financial education course are meant to give you information and not meant to give legal advice or advise you to take a specific course of action. Your specific financial situation is personal and the financial plan you follow should be one of your own choosing. Information presented here is meant to be general and the opinion of the presenters.
Counselor Qualifications
All counselors on staff are educated, caring professionals and are certified as Financial Health Counselors or equivalent by an independent agency. Janet Swope is a counselor and trains staff, Janet has earned her Bachelor’s degree and is certified as a Financial Health Counselor with over 17 years of experience as a financial counselor/educator.
The cost of this credit counseling session is $25 for individuals or couples living in the same household. Couples are both required to participate in the session to receive a certificate of completion.
Joint Sessions
Couples can complete the session together but both are required to participate to receive a certificate of completion.
Fee Waiver Policy
This course is offered without regard to an individuals’ ability to pay. If you feel that you do not have the ability to pay for the session please fill out this fee waiver request and email it along with a copy of any official document that shows income for each adult in the household (pay stubs, tax returns, social security statement, etc.), the number of people in your household, and your name and phone number to Butterfly will waive fees for families that are 150%, of federal poverty guidelines or less.
Download the Butterfly fee waiver request form.
To view our documents, please use Adobe Reader. You can download Adobe Reader free here.
Services Offered other Languages
Butterfly services are offered in English and Spanish only (We offer sessions in Spanish by Internet only, not by phone). Spanish speakers, please call with an interpreter for any technical questions regarding the Internet session. For all other languages we will be happy to refer you to an Approved Agency who provides services in your preferred language.
Source of Funding
Butterfly's source of funding is the fee it receives for its credit counseling session and financial education course. Butterfly does not pay or receive fees or other consideration for referrals.
This counseling session is meant to give you information and not meant to give legal advice or advise you to take a specific course of action.
Your specific financial situation is personal and the financial plan you follow should be one of your own choosing. Please also note that the analysis, the type of information presented and any conclusions drawn, are totally dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. Information presented here is meant to be general and any conclusion presented is merely the opinions of Butterfly's staff. Another person or organization may draw a different conclusion from the information you presented.
The information presented is intended to be truthful, accurate and good intentioned. However we may not have envisioned or anticipated all possible interpretations of the material. Should you want to discuss the material or bring anything to our attention please do so by calling (844) 289-2701 or emailing